What is SuperSi?
The powerful additive uses specialised ultra-soluble, mono-silicic compounds alongside bioactive amino acids for incredible plant growth!
Plants absorb Si from the solution in the form of monosilicic acid (H SiO )
Certain plant varieties require Si in equivalent amounts as ‘Macro’ elements
SuperSi provides ultra absorbable silicic acid in higher concentrations than previously possible

Silicon naturally occurs in extremely high concentrations in all soils. Silicic acid allows for unprecedented growth rates as small compounds are rapidly absorbed!

SuperSi has been engineered for cost efficiency! Our unique formulation uses new manufacturing techniques so you only need to use 1.5mL per 10L for amazing results!

Silicic acid aids in plant structure; reducing stretching and allowing for more compact, heavier & healthier floral growth.

Using SuperSi at 3mL per 10L at the start of the floral cycle drastically reduces plant height whilst heavily increasing floral sites and flower density (SuperSi contains NO ‘PGR's)

SuperSi adds a layer of defence from pest and disease, and drastically increases plant resistance to environmental stresses such as heat, drought and cold.

SuperSi provides improved cell structure for stronger vascular tissue (xylem & phloem) which increases efficiency of other nutrient transportation throughout the plant.

Why SuperSi?
The team behind SuperSi have developed a unique blending formula that allows for unprecedented high concentrations of silica particles.
Unlike other forms of silica that are derived from Potassium Silicate, SuperSi incorporates a blend of mono-silicic and amino acids for ultra nutriment uptake without influencing pH!
SuperSi is effective as a Foliar spray at 1mL/L dilution
SuperSi works perfectly in hydroponic (water based or coco) and soil cultivation
ULTRA strong concentration recommended usage at 1.5mL per 10L in fertigation

How does SuperSi work?
This innovative solution encourages incredibly efficient silicate particle uptake without influencing your pH!
Silicon will increase defence mechanisms against pest and disease, encourage stronger stem & leaf cell growth, shorter internodal positioning, improved resistance to heat & cold stress whilst also providing significantly larger fruit & floral growth.
Organic Silicon is provided through natural beneficial bacterial interactions in soil. We accelerated this natural process to seriously enhance your crops!
SuperSi is the ultimate hydroponic or soil growth booster!
*Although rapidly accelerated and powerful plant growth will occur; SuperSi contains NO synthetic PGRs or harmful chemicals.